It’s already the 7th day of December (say what?!) and the countdown to Christmas is on! This year we’re doing Christmas a little differently by flying to Houston for the holidays instead of driving, and I don’t necessarily want to pack Walter’s gifts in suitcases on the way back; instead I’ve decided to have our…
an open heart and a pair of ice skates
Hey friends! Today I’m opening up my heart to share a little more about our move, an important decision about fertility treatments and how a pair of figure skates is turning that decision into a blessing. Our recent move to Florida was very unexpected and happened rather quickly; we had around three weeks to find…
(one big) life update- we moved!
Disney World, palm trees, shorts all day errry day… you guessed it, we moved to FLORIDA! Peter accepted a job with a hospital in the Orlando-area at the beginning of August and we had only two weeks to figure out housing, to pack up our current house, and to get ourselves settled before Peter’s first…
our marriage is worth more
It’s been two weeks since I received the news, alone in a cold room, that our pregnancy would not continue on. I feel like things have finally calmed down. I no longer cry when I think about going from being pregnant to… instantly not. I no longer tear up at a Huggies commercials, and I’m no longer constantly thinking, “today, I’d be _ weeks pregnant.”