Disney World, palm trees, shorts all day errry day… you guessed it, we moved to FLORIDA!
Peter accepted a job with a hospital in the Orlando-area at the beginning of August and we had only two weeks to figure out housing, to pack up our current house, and to get ourselves settled before Peter’s first day. It’s been a wild ride, and going from a three-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment wasn’t easy! But we’re loving it. Peter is really enjoying his new job, and seeing him happy when he comes home each day makes our move so worth it.
Oh, and Target is just one mile away from our new home. Cue the praise hands emoji!
After we moved to Orlando I started taking Walter to Disney World when we were without cable or internet at our new place, and the constant Disney days haven’t stopped; we go at least three times per week! And I couldn’t not go to WDW without my camera, so I began taking photos of W’s adventures at Disney. His little Instagram account is all about his Disney visits, and you can follow along at @waltdisneyadventures. We’ve become friends with several Cast Members, and the friendships we’ve made add even more magic to our morning Disney days!
We’re headed back to our special place tomorrow morning with Mickey ears in hand! I used to say that this move was a tough one, but to be honest, being in the land of Dole whips and Mickey balloons isn’t so bad 🙂
I’ll be sharing my tips and tricks for Disney in the coming weeks, and if you have any questions about how to “Disney like a local”, send them my way!