Our sweet girl is a year old! This past year has been a blur, but an amazing blur, and I’m so happy to say that WE MADE IT. We made it to a year!!
We’ve celebrated her birthday this entire week so far (and all the way to her birthday party next weekend, but who’s counting?) and yesterday I shot her at-home birthday photos. Combine some balloons, a few streamers and tassels, and half of a “happy birthday” sign (she tore the “birthday” part), we had our own little at-home studio shoot right in her crib. Funny thing, she’s only ever napped in this crib once; the crib is still something so foreign to her!
Dear Eloise,
I cannot believe you are a year old! You have been the biggest blessing and absolute joy these past 365 days. You’ve given us everything to smile about, lots to laugh about (like your new wave hello and shaking your head when told “no no no!”), and so much to be grateful for. You’ve taught us so many things this past year, and you’ve touched so many lives. Because of you, your brother sees past monitors and medical equipment of other children that have special needs. Because of you, I know the true meaning of humility and patience. And because of you, your father will one day understand the saying “white goes right” when placing your colored leads on your chest (I don’t think he ever will though).
All jokes aside, you have kept us on our toes every single day and always keep surprising us. Your conditions have taught us that we can’t take anything for granted, and that we always need to live our best life; nothing is guaranteed. And while your conditions have brought on challenges, there have been loving friendships that have blossomed because of our community. There are so many people that are near and dear to our hearts because of you; wonderful, wonderful people, both in the medical field and out, who love you as their own.
Eloise, you always know how to light up a room. Every morning I am greeted with the biggest smile from you, and every evening you are smiling as you fall asleep. You are the happiest baby, and gosh, we are so so thankful to call you ours. Your doggie adores you, and she lets you tug on her ears (something she never let Walter do!), and Walter thinks it’s the greatest thing to have you pull his hair; you have everyone wrapped around your finger, and especially Daddy! I swear it’s that sweet smile of yours that gets you exactly what you want.
Our little rainbow baby, you are pure joy. We love you so, so much and cannot wait to see what this trip around the sun has in store for you, and for us as a family!
As Walter would say, “I love you thiiiiiiiis much!”
Mommy, Daddy, and Walter
This sweet post was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes today! All I could think was “SHE MADE IT! ONE WHOLE YEAR OLD” , as the happy tears slid out of the corner of my eyes. Gosh she looks so much like Walter to me in the picture of her grabbing the Happy. I actually think the birthday part would have cluttered it. I’m glad she did away with it. In the end , just the Happy is so much more her style anyways. She’s amazing ! Funny how I’ve never been more grateful for a two hour flight to IAH. I love you guys and Happy Birthday sweet girl.
Ps Dad, White goes right never stuck with me either. How I remembered I started with Black was because Black came before White in the alphabet! 🤷♀️ I don’t know why they helped me but it did 😂.